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Community Officer from Vancouver PD Visits HongDe Elementary

This Monday, December 4, HongDe Elementary had the pleasure of welcoming a community police officer from the Vancouver Police Department to our school. This visit offered our students a unique opportunity to learn about the world of police work and the vital role officers play in maintaining safety within our community.  

Community officer with HongDe students

Insights into the Role of a Police Officer  

During the visit, the officer engaged with students, explaining how the police serve and protect the community. The students got an exciting glimpse into the tools officers use, from radios to safety equipment, with a special focus on communication—described as the most important tool in their work.

The children had the chance to ask questions and discover how officers handle real-life challenges while fostering safety and peace in the community.  

Community Officer from Vancouver PD Visits HongDe Elementary. Featured Image

A Heartfelt Gesture from Our Students  

To express gratitude, our students surprised the officer with a handmade card signed by each of them as a gesture of appreciation for the officer’s dedication and service. This moment highlighted the importance of building positive relationships between students and the local police.

Thank you Van PD

Thank You, Vancouver PD!  

A huge thank you to our guest officer for taking the time to engage with our students and for the important work they do every day. We’re grateful for the insights shared during the session and for strengthening the bond between our school and the Vancouver PD.  

Let’s continue to foster respect and collaboration with the heroes who keep our community safe!