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Why Choose HongDe

  /  Why Choose HongDe

Welcome to HongDe Elementary School

As a certified Not-For-Profit Kindergarten through Grade 5 Independent School, approved by the BC Ministry of Education, we offer a unique and holistic educational experience. Our commitment to bilingual education, with an immersive Mandarin/English curriculum, combined with a Fine Arts focus and a strong emphasis on moral and ethical values, ensures that our students receive a well-rounded education. At HongDe, we provide a nurturing and supportive environment that prepares students to thrive academically, culturally, and socially in an increasingly globalized world.

Why Choose HongDe?

Here’s why we stand out and why we are the best choice for your child’s education.

Educational Excellence

  • Certified Not-For-Profit School

    • Kindergarten through Grade 5
    • Approved by the BC Ministry of Education
  • Experienced Educators

    • BC Certified teachers
    • Founders with extensive educational background

Bilingual Program

  • Immersive Mandarin/English Curriculum

      • 40% of curriculum in Mandarin
      • 60% of curriculum in English
      • No prior Chinese experience required
  • Holistic Language Development

      • Fluency in English
      • Emerging proficiency in Mandarin
      • Cultural appreciation and understanding

Fine Arts Focus

  • Specialist-Led Instruction

      • Music
      • Dance
      • Visual Arts
      • Drama
  • Creative Expression

      • Fostering creativity and confidence
      • Encouraging teamwork and artistic skills

Personalized Learning Environment

  • Small Class Sizes

      • Personalized attention and support
      • Close relationships with teachers and staff
  • Supportive Community

      • Nurturing and inclusive atmosphere

Virtues Project

  • Moral and Ethical Education

      • Teaching virtues like understanding, patience, and kindness
      • Promoting a bully-free environment
      • Fostering respect and empathy

Additional Benefits

  • Convenient Transportation

      • School bus pick-up and drop-off services
  • Global Preparedness

      • Preparing students for success in a globalized world
      • Equipping students with essential life skills and values
Why Choose HongDe: Infographic. Transparent background

Testimonials and Reviews

Parent Testimonial - Rose Pham, Stephen's mom

"Everything about the school is amazing. Stephen loves it, cherishes his teachers, and eagerly embraces learning every day. He's proud of his Mandarin skills and passionate about reading, math, and dance!"

Rose Pham

Stephen's mom
Parent Testimonial - Ava Li, Henry's mom

"Moved from Calgary to Vancouver for Henry's Chinese development, we're impressed by HongDe Elementary. Henry's reading and speaking skills flourished. More importantly, the loving and passionate staff nurtured his confidence and competence. Supported by professional teachers and engaging workshops, Henry thrived academically and socially. The school's focus on teaching Chinese virtues is commendable. I highly recommend HongDe Elementary to friends and family."

Alva Li

Henry's mom
Parent Testimonial. Roksolana Prudyus, Zlata's mom

"My daughter Zlata, now in 5th grade, thrives at HongDe Elementary. Moving from Ukraine to Canada at a young age, she quickly mastered English and made impressive progress in Mandarin. I'm grateful for the caring and dedicated staff who support her growth academically and socially. Thank you, HongDe!"

Roksolana Prudyus

Zlata's mom
Lucy Huang, Mother of Eve Huang

"When my daughter started at HongDe, she was excited yet anxious about adjusting to a new school where English wasn't her first language. The supportive staff made her feel at ease, and within a year, she became proficient in both English and Mandarin. The collaborative effort between parents and staff creates a fun and meaningful learning experience for children. With small class sizes and dedicated teachers, HongDe provides excellent support and flexibility in teaching. I'm grateful for the teachers' efforts in ensuring my daughter's success. Thank you to the entire HongDe team for everything!"

Lucy Huang

Eve's mom
Parents Testimonials - Leona's mom

"I highly recommend HongDe Elementary for its exceptional Mandarin bilingual program. With a strong emphasis on character development and highly qualified, caring teachers, HongDe provides students with a positive environment to thrive academically and linguistically. It's an excellent choice for families prioritizing both language fluency and character education."

Josephine Wong

Leona's mom
Parents Testimonials - Jacob and his parents

"Our son Jacob joined HongDe in 3rd grade after moving from Taiwan to Canada. The supportive teachers helped him adjust to Canada and improve his English, while maintaining and enhancing his Mandarin skills. Jacob loves the small classes, cultural programs, and dedicated staff. Thanks, HongDe!"

Jacob’s Parents

Visit and Enroll 

For more information or assistance, please contact the Admissions Office at (604) 416-0386 or email us at info@hongdeschool.ca