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HongDe Elementary Proudly Joins FISA BC

Shaping the Future of Independent Education

HongDe Elementary is delighted to announce its proud membership in the Federation of Independent School Associations in BC (FISA BC). As an esteemed member of this influential federation, we are excited to align with a community that values and advocates for the independence and diversity of education.



Established in 1966, the Federation of Independent School Associations in BC (FISA BC) serves as an umbrella organization for various independent school groups throughout British Columbia. Independent schools, like HongDe Elementary, operate autonomously, distinct from provincial ownership, and are regulated by the Independent School Act.

FISA BC, a non-profit society registered with the Corporate and Personal Property Registries office of the Ministry of Finance in BC, Victoria, operates under the provisions of the Society Act of BC. The Federation is the collective voice for its members, acting as a crucial intermediary between independent schools, the government, and other educational institutions.

One of the primary objectives of FISA BC is to assist independent schools, such as HongDe Elementary, in maintaining their autonomy while advocating for fair treatment in legislative and financial matters. Membership in FISA BC offers numerous advantages, including the opportunity to belong to a supportive community that shares a common commitment to freedom of choice in education.

Why FISA BC Stands Out

What sets FISA BC apart is its dedication to equal representation on the Board for each member group, ensuring that all perspectives are considered before making collective decisions. This commitment reflects a collaborative approach that respects the diversity of opinions within the independent school community.

FISA BC is also devoted to non-partisan political activity, prioritizing positive and respectful relationships with educational stakeholders and the provincial government. This commitment underscores the federation’s role as a bridge, fostering constructive dialogue and understanding.

Our Commitment

HongDe Elementary is thrilled to be part of FICA BC, a community that shares our values and commitment to shaping the future of independent education. Together with FISA BC, we look forward to continued advocacy for the freedom of choice in education and the prosperity of independent schools across British Columbia.

For more information, visit HongDe Elementary and FISA BC.

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