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Code of Conduct and Regulations

HongDe Elementary makes explicit to each student and staff member their expectations for conduct.

Code of Conduct

The responsibility for student discipline in school is shared among students, staff and parents. 

Students: Students have a responsibility to respect the rights and dignity of others and to become actively and productively involved in their own learning and growth. 

Educators: Educators are responsible for establishing a positive school climate in which structure, support and encouragement assist students in developing a sense of self-discipline and responsibility. 

Parents: Parents are responsible for establishing a positive learning atmosphere in the home, knowing school policies and procedures, supporting the school in the enactment of these policies and procedures, and encouraging their children to understand and respect these policies and procedures. 

A student who chooses to disrupt the good order of the school or to violate a policy or regulation will have to accept the consequences of those irresponsible choices. Appropriate discipline is within the discretion of the administration. HongDe Elementary uses a system of progressive discipline that is designed to modify behaviours that interfere with this learning program. 

Actions that violate the law, threaten or cause harm to other students or staff members, disrupt or impede the welfare and progress of the school community, or bring discredit to the school will not be tolerated. Such actions as well as other severe violations of school rules and/or other inappropriate conduct, may result in immediate dismissal. 

If a student persists in violating basic obligations of courtesy, consideration, respect, cooperation or safety, a parent/student/administrator conference will be scheduled. If these cooperative efforts of parents and school staff prove ineffective, the student may lose the privilege of attending HongDe Elementary or may be denied re-admittance to the school. 

It is within the rights of the administration to meet with students at any time during the course of the school day to discuss concerns or allegations of a disciplinary or academic nature. Depending on the nature of the meeting, parental presence may or may not be required or requested. However, parental contact will be made as soon as the situation warrants it. 

Detention is an after-school program for students who have violated school rules. Assignment to detention is made by individual teachers and/or administrative staff. Students are given advance notice. It is noted in the student planner. 

In addition to this structured formal detention system, teachers have the authority to request that students stay after school under their supervision. Teachers may ask students to stay after school for either academic and/or disciplinary reasons. 

Detentions will, in most cases, supersede participation in extra-curricular activities. 

When students choose not to comply with school rules, they can hurt the HongDe Elementary school community. When appropriate, the administration may assign service to the community as a consequence for rule infractions. Such service will be closely supervised. 


Students who are assigned to in-school suspension will be required to spend the entire instructional day or a number of blocks, as determined by the administration, in a specific room. Dismissal from an in-school suspension will usually be 30 minutes after the regular dismissal time. 

Students are required to bring textbooks, pens, notebooks and other material for a full day of study. Teachers will provide specific assignments for students. The Principal is responsible for coordination of the program. Parents will be notified. 

Depending on the severity of the incident or misbehavior, the administrative staff may remove students from school and from school-sponsored events for a stated period of time. During that time of suspension, students are not permitted to be on school property or to participate or attend any school activities. 

Teachers are not responsible to provide make-up work or assignments to students who are suspended. Parents/guardians will be notified by e-mail or by telephone prior to the effective day of the suspension. A parent/guardian conference may be requested prior to re-admission to school. In most cases, when a student is suspended, he/she will also be placed on probation for a length of time determined by the administration (usually between 3 months to one full year). 

Under extreme conditions, students may be expelled. Students who are expelled are not allowed to participate in any school sponsored activities nor can they be present on school property without written permission from the Principal. 

Though dismissal or expulsion is often the final resort regarding consequences, it may be put into effect immediately depending on the behaviour and/or behavioural history of the student or students involved. 

A parent conference may be scheduled as a way of developing common strategies leading to changes in student behaviour. Such conference may be initiated by the parent/guardian, by faculty and staff, or by the administration. 

In certain situations, the administration may deem it necessary to place a student on a contract. When that happens, it usually means the student has one more opportunity to improve his/her behaviour. The contract will clearly stipulate what is expected of that student. In most cases, if a student on contract violates any of the stipulations, he/she will lose the privilege of attending HongDe Elementary, effective immediately. 

Any of the disciplinary procedures and consequences listed here are subject to constant review by the faculty and by the administrative staff and are subject to addition, deletions or changes without prior written notification. 

Decisions by the administrative staff are always guided by the best interests of students, parents and staff for the welfare and safety of the entire HongDe Elementary community. 

When implementing discipline, all teachers and administrators at HongDe Elementary will follow the basic principles of fair procedure as outlined below: 

  • All decisions will be made according to school policies. 
  • Decision making will be transparent. 

Rules of natural justice should be followed: 

  • Right to know the allegations against you. 
  • Right to respond to the allegations. 
  • Right to an unbiased decision-maker to hear your case or appeal. 

Actions should be taken in good faith-without malice. The parents/students will be notified of their right and process to appeal. 

All appeal procedures at HongDe Elementary will acknowledge the students’ right to fairness as outlined in the May 1995 Public Report 35, Fair Schools, p. 28, by BC Ombudsman Dulcie McCallum which outlines the students’ rights for a school board appeal procedure as follows: 

  • The right to be treated with respect and dignity. 
  • The right to speak on your own behalf or to have an advocate speak for or with you. 
  • The right to be heard. 
  • The right to participate in decisions that affect you. 
  • The right to receive, clear, complete and appropriate reasons for a decision. 
  • The right to obtain all information that led to the initial decision or is being considered in an appeal. 
  • The right to an impartial review of a decision that affects you, a review that is accessible, flexible, timely and easy to use. 
  • The right to an appeal procedure that has a built-in mechanism to protect against retribution. 

We believe that all young people require a caring and supportive environment in order to develop to their full potential. The best way to ensure a high standard of behaviour and engagement in the learning program at HongDe Elementary is to nurture a respectful school culture through acknowledgement of individual achievement and development of positive self-esteem.  

All staff have a responsibility for well-being and discipline, and the school supports positive connections between students both within and across year levels.  

We aim to:  

  • create a safe and supportive school environment  
  • expect positive and respectful relationships between all members of the school community  
  • build a positive school culture that is consistent and fair  
  • encourage positive social behaviours both inside and outside of the classroom  
  • promote student voice and participation  
  • foster a sense of responsibility in all of our students  
  • identify and develop timely interventions when issues arise  
  • seek to develop links with our local community  

To ensure this positive learning environment for all students at HongDe Elementary, the school has established guidelines that ensure proper safety, attendance and academic performance. When a student fails to follow these guidelines, the following interventions are enacted:   

Behaviour Intervention 

A student is placed on Behaviour Probation when his/her/their actions:  

  1. endanger the safety or well-being of other students, staff or faculty  
  2. bring ill repute to the school  
  3. damage school property  

The Principal is also HongDe Elementary safe school coordinator. In cases where a student’s behaviour places them or others at risk, or it is suspected to do so, the investigating staff member is required to consult with the safe school coordinator in order to determine if any additional steps, as required by good practice, law or regulation, must be followed.  

If a student is placed on Behaviour Probation, the student will remain on the probation for the rest of the term. A student will be asked to leave the school immediately if he/she/they do not fulfill the requirements of the intervention as determined in accordance on a case by case basis. At the end of the term, the probation and the student’s continued enrolment at HongDe Elementary will be reviewed by the Principal and Board. 

The Ministry of Education defines standards for staff training in Safer Schools and ERASE. The Principal will ensure that the number of staff trained, and the level of training they receive, is compliant with the Ministry of Education’s requirements. These requirements are attached as an appendix to this policy.  

If a student’s attendance falls below 90%, the student will be placed on Attendance Probation for the following term in which he/she/they is registered. Students on Attendance Probation are at risk of not receiving credit for their courses. A student who is on Attendance Probation will be required to improve their attendance to over 90%. Students on Attendance Probation are not allowed any unexcused absences. A student on Attendance Probation will receive a letter of warning, and a final letter. The letter is sent to his/her/their parents or guardians. A student who is found in violation of the attendance policy will be asked to leave the school immediately. 

The student and his/her/their parents or guardians have the right to appeal this expulsion. Extenuating circumstances will be considered before the final decision is made. If these circumstances are considered invalid, the expulsion will be upheld.  

At the end of the intervention period, the student will be required to meet with the Principal to discuss why he/she/they should be taken off probation.  

Students who arrive more than 15 minutes late for a class are recorded as absent from that class. Students who arrive consistently late will be placed on Punctuality Probation and will be at risk of not receiving credit for their courses. A student on Punctuality Probation will receive a letter of warning, and a final letter. The letter is sent to his/her/their parents or guardians.  

A student is placed on Academic Probation under the following circumstances:  

  1. if he/she/they fail 50% of their courses   
  2. a student does not complete assignments on a regular basis  

Students on Academic Probation are expected to demonstrate significant improvement at each progress meeting which will occur weekly throughout the duration of the semester. Students on Academic Probation will be required to attend extra tutoring and daily tracking with a Behaviour / Work Card.  

All students at HongDe Elementary are expected to abide by the rules and expectations of the school. Students who fail to do this may be asked to leave. HongDe Elementary will make every reasonable effort to identify potential problems at an early stage, to inform the student and his/her/their parents or guardians of the reason for concern, and to give the student an opportunity to improve and correct his/her/their behaviour. However, in cases where the continued presence of the student threatens the safety and well-being of fellow students and staff, or damages the reputation of the school, expulsion will be immediate. This includes using, possessing, supplying, or being with others with drugs at school, or during school-sponsored events.  

A student is subject to dismissal from HongDe Elementary for any of the following reasons:  

  1. He/she/they have been placed on Academic, or Behaviour Probation, attendance or Punctuality Probation and do not to adhere to the terms of the probation.  
  2. He/she/they engage in violent or abusive behaviour (e.g. fighting, bullying, cyber-bullying, intimidation, taunting, inappropriate physical touching, possession of weapons, verbal abuse).  
  3. He/she/they possess, supply, use, or associate with others involved with tobacco, alcohol or drugs.
  4. After serious warning, he/she/they continue to smoke in the school uniform.  
  5. He/she/they damage, vandalize, or steal the property of others.  
  6. He/she/they engage in any behaviour that damages the reputation of HongDe Elementary 

Students who wish to appeal a decision affecting their right to study at HongDe Elementary must do so within a week of receiving the expulsion letter.  

  1. The Principal will meet with the expulsion committee to establish the course of action to be followed. At this meeting, all of the facts of the case updated will be presented in writing, and verified. The Principal will collect and summarize the information.  
  2. The Principal will meet with the student who will be informed of the expulsion.  
  3. The Principal will write a letter to the parents/guardians informing them of the expulsion and the reason for it. The letter will remind them of the school’s refund policy and appeal policies.  
  4. In severe dismissal cases, students will not have the right of appeal (e.g. weapons, drugs, etc.) For cases where an appeal is offered, parents/guardians will have a one week period in which to appeal.  
  5. Once the student has left the school, he/she/they will not be allowed back into the school building without the prior consent of the Principal.  
  6. Immigration Canada may then be notified.  

Deputy-Minister’s Bulletin Dated October 19, 2018 (Attached as Appendix A).  

History and Revisions  

Approved: March 2021. To be reviewed before March 2023 


All HongDe Elementary students, parents, staff and community members are encouraged to work with the Safe Schools Team and community partners to address bullying throughout the year. Having bullying prevention and intervention strategies in place fosters a positive learning and teaching environment that supports academic achievement for all students and helps students reach their full potential.  

The School is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Every member of the school community has the right to learn and work in an environment that promotes equal opportunities and prohibits harassment, and every member of the school community shares responsibility for creating and maintaining an environment that is free from harassment and bullying.  

HongDe Elementary School complies with the Harassment and Bullying Prevention Order of the BC Independent Schools Act, section 4 (1) (c), as updated effective September 2016. 

HongDe Elementary:  

  • Develops and implements school-wide bullying prevention and intervention plans as part of its School Improvement Plan;   
  • Has procedures to report bullying incidents safely and in a way that will minimize the possibility of reprisal;  
  • Addresses incidents of bullying in an appropriate and timely manner;  
  • Provides strategies and support for students who have been bullied, students who bullied others, bystanders, and others who have been affected by observing bullying;  
  • Has a Safe Schools Team working to promote a safer and more welcoming learning environment.  

HongDe Elementary participates and is a member of Bullying Prevention and Awareness programs and activities that heighten awareness of bullying and its impact on the school community, including:  

  • Random Acts of Kindness  
  • Pink Shirt Day  

HongDe Elementary believes that bullying: 

  •  is a serious issue that has far reaching consequences for both the entire school community and the community at large; 
  • adversely affects students’ ability to learn and function as well-adjusted individuals;  
  • adversely affects healthy relationships and the school climate;  
  • adversely affects a school’s ability to educate its students;  
  • can have long-term effects on individuals;  
  • is not be accepted on school property, at school-related activities, or in any other circumstances (e.g., online) where engaging in bullying will have a negative impact on the school climate.  

HongDe Elementary has a duty of care to students and staff to provide a safe, caring, and orderly learning environment. The School commits to creating a learning environment that protects each individual’s physical safety, supports social connectedness, encourages inclusiveness, and provides for protection from all forms of harassment and bullying regardless of their gender, race, culture, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity. HongDe Elementary believes that providing students with an opportunity to learn and develop in a safe and respectful society is a responsibility in which schools play an important role. We believe that students shall not discriminate against others on the basis of the race, religion, colour, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, family status, age, sex or sexual orientation, or physical or mental disability, or for any other reason set out in the Human Rights Code of British Columbia, nor shall a student publish or display anything that would indicate an intention to discriminate against another, or expose them to ridicule or contempt, on the basis of any such grounds.  

HongDe Elementary will :  

  • provide bullying prevention and intervention programs consistent with a progressive discipline approach;  
  • support the use of practices that take into account the needs of individual students by showing sensitivity to diversity, to cultural needs and to special education needs, when implementing bullying prevention and intervention programs;  
  • provide training to all administrators, teachers, and all support staff to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to address bullying, and ensure that other individuals involved in the school community are trained and made aware of the policy.  



Bullying is typically a form of repeated, persistent, and aggressive behavior directed at an individual or individuals that is intended to cause (or should be known to cause) fear and distress and/or harm to another person’s body, feelings, self-esteem, or reputation. Bullying occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance.  

Students may attain or maintain power over others in the school through real or perceived differences. Some areas of difference may be size, strength, age, intelligence, economic status, social status, solidarity of peer group, religion, ethnicity, disability, need for special education, sexual orientation, family circumstances, gender, gender identity, gender expression and race.  

Bullying is a dynamic of unhealthy interaction that can take many forms. It can be physical (e.g., hitting, pushing, tripping), verbal (e.g., name calling, mocking, or making sexist, racist, or homophobic comments), or social (e.g., excluding others from a group, spreading gossip or rumors). It may also occur through the use of technology (see cyber bullying).  

Children who suffer prolonged victimization through bullying, as well as children who use power and aggression as bullies, may experience a range of psychosocial problems that may extend into adolescence and adulthood.  

Cyber Bullying  

Cyber Bullying can generally be defined as sending or posting harmful or malicious messages or images through e-mail, instant, messages, cell phones and websites and other technology.  

Consequences of Harassment or Bullying  

The goals of follow-up/consequences to bullying are to:  

  • Reconcile parties involved.  
  • Provide support, ensure safety and develop skills for individuals who are bullied or observe and report harassing or bullying behaviours.  
  • Encourage the development of empathy, responsibility, accountability and social competencies for those who engage in bullying behaviours. These goals are addressed in a number of manners specific to the situation and pending the severity of the incident.  

The range of disciplinary actions that the School will apply to offences includes one or more of the following actions. 

  • Meeting with appropriate person/s such as peers, faculty, counsellor, administrator, police liaison. 
  • Attendance at one or more meetings with a failure to attend leading to a more significant sanction. 
  • Meeting with the parent(s)/guardians and student(s) involved to review the incident and establish steps to improve in future 
  • Requiring a written explanation of the circumstances leading to the incident, steps the student is taking to address the negative impacts of the incident, intended and unintended, and an understanding of how the student could have avoided the incident.  
  • Where academic dishonesty is at issue, assign a penalty, pro-rate the value of the assignment, have the student revise the assignment in whole or in part, have the student complete another assignment, or when no other option is available, the student will forgo the opportunity to receive feedback on the relevant assessment.  
  • Removal from a school activity or special program which may be negatively impacted by their participation.  
  • If responsible use of technology is at issue, be restricted from access to technology (device and/or network) 
  • Conference involving student, teacher, parents/guardians and administration 
  • A requirement to participate in personal counselling, duration to be determined 
  • A period of time spent in “service” to the school.  
  • Probation – arrangement of a behaviour or performance contract with the involvement of the student, teachers and parents/guardians  
  • Short term suspension is a short-term sanction in response to breach of the Code of Conduct which involves a period of up to 2 instructional days. The rationale for a short-term removal from school will be discussed with parents/guardians and students prior to the suspension. 
  • Formal suspension from school – is a temporary sanction in response to a significant breach of the Code of Conduct which involves a period of longer than 2 instructional days. The rationale for a suspension, duration of the suspension, restrictions in place during a suspension, and the conditions to return to school will be discussed with parents/guardians and students prior to the suspension. 
  • Expulsion from school – is permanent and a sanction of last resort. A student may be expelled for a single act which constitutes a major violation of the Code of Conduct, such as a criminal offence. An expulsion decision is only made by the Principal in consultation with school administration and as required, teachers. The Chair of the School Board will be informed of expulsions.  

All follow-up and consequences will be documented and filed appropriately for future reference if required.